Ortofon Cartridges

Ortofon Cartridges are made by the Danish company Ortofon founded in 1918 and primarily involved in the manufacture of styli and cartridges for vinyl reproduction. Ortofon developed the first moving coil cartridge in 1948. The company produce both moving magnet and moving coil cartridges for both the professional and domestic hifi markets. Ortofon's latest range of moving coil cartridges is called the Quintet range, as it consists of five cartridges, the Quintet Red, Blue, Bronze, Black and Mono.

As you progress through the range, the cut of the stylus tip changes as do the materials that the cantilever is made from. Qunitet red has a bonded elliptical tip. The blue has a nude elliptical tip. The bronze has a nude fineline tip and the black has a nude shibata tip. As the tip cuts change the amount of vertical contact made with the vinyl increases and the lateral contact decreases. Thus you get better information retrieval, better dynamic, a faster response, a more airy sound and a more natural decay the more you invest with Ortofon.

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