PMC Twenty5 Event - July 2016 Update


Our PMC Twenty5 Launch event is almost upon us. Friday 1st - Saturday 2ndof July.

Appointment times are already filling up fast after our first email.

The event will focus on the improvements made to the Twenty5 series, with shoot out style demonstrations pitting the PMC Twenty series against the new Twenty5 series.

We have the Twenty5 21, 22, 23 and 24 speakers in stock and available to demo.

All demonstrations will use the new Bryston cubed amplifiers.

Members of the PMC research and development team, including lead designer Ollie Thomas, will be on hand to answer any queries you may have around the new Twenty5 range. This event should prove to be a treat for all Hi-Fi fans.

Contact us to register your interest on 01482 223096 or email


Demonstrations will be held on Friday 1st of July and Saturday the 2nd of July - we suggest that you contact us to ensure there is available space.

Friday 1st July- 2:00pm,3:00pm,4:00pm,5:00pm,6:00pm

Saturday 2nd July - 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm, 2:00pm

Please note that once demonstrations have begun we avoid interrupting them. This is to ensure that the demonstrations run as smoothly as possible.

Please contact us to arrange an appointment.