PMC Speakers Twenty Series Offer

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PMC Speakers Twenty Series Offer

We have a limited amount of brand new sealed box PMC Twenty series speakers available at fantastic prices.

All PMC Twenty series speakers come with 20 year PMC warranty.

The most popular speaker range in the store, PMC Twenty series are handcrafted British loudspeakers that follow in the lineage of world-wide acclaimed PMC designs. With PMCs innovative ATL technology they provide an effortlessly natural, rich, room filling sound that would suggest a cabinet far greater in stature, making the twenty series ideally suited to all styles and sizes of interior.

Here is a list of what we have on offer:

PMC Twenty 21 Speakers: RRP: £1575 - Our Price: £1099

Black Ash PMC Twenty 22 Speakers: RRP: £2075- Our Price: £1499

For more information about our offers on PMC Twenty Speakers call us on 01482 223096 or email