Posts by Admin

Kef Reference 5 Speakers Available For Demonstration

Kef Reference 5 Speakers Available For Demonstration

HiFi News

Contact us for more information about the new Kef Reference range on 01482 223096 or email

Spendor A5R Speakers available for demonstration

Spendor A5R Speakers available for demonstration

HiFi News

Contact us for more information about the Spendor A5R Speakers on 01482 223096 or email In AvailableDon't forget that Fanthorpes HiFi offer a generous part exchange against the Spendor A5R Speakers. If you have any hifi that you wish to use as part payment against the Spendor A5R Speakers then either call us on 01482 223096 or email us at and we wil

Roksan Kandy K3 Range

Roksan Kandy K3 Range

HiFi News

Roksan Kandy K3 AmplifierThe Roksan Kandy K3 Range: Roksan Kandy K3 Amplifier - £1249 Roksan Kandy K3 CD Player - £1249 Contact us for more infotmation about the Roksan Kandy K3 Range on 01482 223096 or email

Arcam Offering Generous AV Receiver Trade In

Arcam Offering Generous AV Receiver Trade In

HiFi News

Contact us for more information about Arcam AV Receivers on 01482 223096 or email

Anthem AV Receiver Trade In

Anthem AV Receiver Trade In

HiFi News

Contact us for more information about Anthem AV Receivers on 01482 223096 or email

Cyrus Anniversary Trade In Offer

Cyrus Anniversary Trade In Offer

HiFi News

Contact Us If you cannot see the exact model of Cyrus you own we are also happy to consider other products and brands in order to help you find the upgrade you are looking for ‰ÛÒ please contact us for more information, call us on 01482 223 096 or email

Chord Electronics at Fanthorpes HiFi

Chord Electronics at Fanthorpes HiFi

HiFi News

A technology-driven leader, Chord Electronics philosophy of ongoing evolution and refinement continues to deliver landmark audio products with extraordinary performance and unrivalled design features.Contact us for more information about Chord Electronics on 01482 223096 or email

PMC BB5 se Speakers

PMC BB5 se Speakers

HiFi News

PMC BB5 se Speakers The PMC BB5 se Speakers is the largest in the range and sports an striking 15 inch, bass unit that complements PMC ATL (Advanced Transmission Line) bass-loading principle, allowing the speaker to handle music with the widest dynamic range with absolute ease and confidence. Yet the PMC BB5 se Speakers aren't just designed for the loudest works; subtle acoustic material is repr

Musical Fidelity M6i Amplifier

Musical Fidelity M6i Amplifier

HiFi News

Was: £2599 Now: £1499Save: £1100Contact us for more information about the Musical Fidelity M6i Amplifier on 01482 223096 or email In Reduce the price of the Musical Fidelity M6i Amplifier even further. Fanthorpes are giving you the opportunity to Trade in your equipment against the Musical Fidelity M6i Amplifier. Contact us on 01482 223096 or email

Bryston 4BSST2 Amplifier - Ex Demo

Bryston 4BSST2 Amplifier - Ex Demo

HiFi News

Finance Fanthorpes HiFi can also offer buy now pay later on Bryston 4BSST2 Amplifier, allowing you to spread or defer your payments over a year. If you are interested in taking advantage of our payment terms on Bryston 4BSST2 Amplifier email or call us on 01482 223096 and we will email an application form to you

Creek Evolution 50CD CD Player

Creek Evolution 50CD CD Player

HiFi News

SRP: £949 Trade In To help reduce the cost of the Creek Evolution 50CD CD Player, Fanthorpes HiFi offer an excellent part exchange service. If you have HiFi that you want to us as part payment against the Creek Evolution 50CD CD Player simply call us on 01482 223096 or email us at us for more information about Creek Evolution 50CD CD Player on 01482 223096 or email s

Upgrade your Chord Electronics DAC

Upgrade your Chord Electronics DAC

HiFi News

Was: £1195 Now: £990Save: £205 Trade In To help reduce the cost of the Chord Electronics Chordette Qute EX DAC, Fanthorpes HiFi offer an excellent part exchange service. If you have HiFi that you want to us as part payment against the Creek Evolution 50CD CD Player simply call us on 01482 223096 or email us at us for more information about Chord Electronics Chordet
